Look at the MARVELOUS work our team is designing for you! Now more than ever, we need you to FUND us, to finish this incredible work! Director Angelo Libutti and his make-up artist team, overseen by Liz, have created the first draft of the makeup for the scourging on the incredible actor Rob Renzi.

All of Christ's wounds are based on the Shroud of Turin scourge marks. Soon we will reveal the fantastic artist behind this and the step by step of this work. A special blog page could be made just for this and all this amazing work done by the team and make up artists.

This is just a glimpse of our first test that required studies and many hours of work. Much more need to be done and it will be possible through with your help.

It took more than 8 hours just to apply this master carving and sculpting on our great actor Rob Renzi.
His patience and commitment is remarkable and inspiring!

Prayers and Blessings
I made 2 contributions to Christian Channel. The last being one month ago. I noticed it is no longer advertised on Christian Channel.com. Do you get the money donated?? And will i be able to stream it?? I'm wheelchair bound in a nursing home. And on Medicaid.
God Bless You! Thanks for the updates - cant wait for the release - planning on having a parish-wide
movie night 2-3X / year - this is SO important and under-catechized.. Prayers and $$s
Peggy Hayden
Praise God for your actions!!! God will come to your aid soon. Persevere and keep your rosaries. I will include you in mine. May God bless you!!!
As soon as I (by faith) stop smoking and I have any money I am definitely going to put in $30 dollars. Until then I am going to pray for you. Please pray for me love Justin Harris