Due to the release of the live action teaser trailer we were able to receive funds to allow us to continue to film. We do not have enough funds to finish production so please continue to share our trailers, posts, and website to help us obtains funds to complete this movie. Hundreds of people joined us on set as we filmed the crucifixion and carrying of the cross.

The crucifixion is the greatest act of love and capturing this with Eucharistic miracles in mind was outstanding.

There are so many people to thank for this day. First of all, to our amazing actors who had prepared for this day. Our main actor who played Jesus, Robert Renzi, did an incredible job! It is not easy to hand on the cross for many hours but no matter what challenge came his way, he offered it up for the salvation of souls! Robert said that even “the tips of my fingers were numb even a week after filming”. He is a virtuous man! He also had two of his brothers play roman soldiers and it was a priceless moment for them.

There were many people who made the day possible. We were greatly supported by the help of Thomas, who plays Peter in our film. While he was not acting that day, he truly filled the role of Peter as he was definitely the “rock” for us as an incredible leader and wore so many hats during our filming. What a blessing it is that our team is so dedicated that when they are not on one side of the camera they are on the other.

Our actor playing Simon, Dom Raso, flew in and brought several of his children to witness him carrying the cross. They had a beautiful family scene together! Dom is a well-known veteran Navy SEAL who has traveled the world and fought for freedom said that his time on set was, “the coolest thing I have ever done in my life is as to be a part of this amazing story.”

Our Lady, the good and bad thief’s, John the Beloved, Mary Magdalene, and others had moving performances. A special thanks goes to Jackie Rangel who played an incredible touching scene as the third Mary at the foot of the cross while also taking care of 5 of her kids as well. We cannot wait for this footage to bring the gospel to life in a new way!

Over the past year we have been blessed so many times by filming at the Santiago Retreat Center. They have been flexible and generous in countless ways! Their property is breath taking as you can see from the photos below.

We had over 100 extras who drove in from several areas of California. We are so grateful for all of the great extras that came out to support this filming! It was two hot days and their dedication showed their great love of Christ!

We were especially blessed by our prosthetics designer, Peter Murphy, and make-up artist. He worked from 8 am to 12 am, 16 hours, to get the prosthetics and make-up applied. It took him weeks to design these and he was so generous! One of our great friends and apostle, Danny, joined to be able to support on site and provide any needed touch ups.

A key element of the filming were the crosses. They were 175 pounds each so it was a true challenge to build them. The crosses alone could have cost us thousands of dollars but God provided in an amazing way! Cesar Ramirez, who plays one of the apostles, happened to find wood on his property that would work for the crosses. He provided these to Lucas and Steve, who have been life savers, who cut the wood to create the crosses. Building crosses is not an easy task and requires the proper tools. This took a great deal of time and we are so appreciative, thank you!

The logistics for this weekend were challenging. Members from our team flew in from Texas, the Virgin Islands, Florida, Kentucky, Virginia, and New York. Thank you, Steve, for picking up so many of the team from the airport, bringing the scaffolds, shuttling people all over the location and so much more! Our great friend John Funk was in from Massachusetts and was able to help us over the weekend. He worked hand and hand with Rob, Ray, Steve, Lucas, Thomas, and Angelo to make sure food, water, and actors were ready when needed. One thing that is not thought of is how all of the props and equipment get to location. Below are just the locations we had to visit for this filming.

It was a very busy weekend and God provided so much grace! We have several more live action scenes to film so please keep our team in your prayers. As we complete those filming’s we will keep you up to date!