Church in Tixla Mexico​
04/21/21 at 10:30am
Shooting at the Church
Tixla, Mexico
Inside a beautiful Catholic Church, nearing the end of the trio for final intervies and shots.

03/29/21 at 9:30am
TexasThis scene will show our hero, Ray, meeting with one of his close friend that will lead him to the right path and to overcome some fears or unresolved answers

04/10/21 at 10:30pm
Los Angeles
This is is for some B-Roles for our traveling and exploring the internal troubles that our interviewer is forced to face in order to bring the truth to the screen

Interview with Dr. Eduardo Sanchez Lazo
04/22/21 at 02:30pm
Tixla, Mexico
An amazing interview with Dr. Eduardo Sanches Lazo on the Eucharistic Miracle that took place in Tixla. Very sweet children realized we were filming and we cheering and yelling to get our attention.

03/03/21 at 9:00am
Los Angeles
Storyboard for Bible pass John 6:00
This specific board is just before Christ walk on water, and we see the apostles strugles

03/29/21 at 11:30pm
This was another fantastic experience to be with one of the successor of the apostles, but we can not hide that after a full day of work we were walking like zombies​

04/10/21 at 10:30am
Podcast Interview
San Francisco,
This scene is an introduction of our main character and to his inner conflict.

Take a closer look inside the international travel that our Director, Writer, and production team embarked on for the filming of this movie!

04/10/21 at 10:30pm
Los Angeles
This is is for some B-Roles for our traveling and exploring the internal troubles that our interviewer is forced to face in order to bring the truth to the screen

MEETING with one of our DONORS
04/10/21 at 02:30pm
San Francisco, Airport
This was such a great surprise for our team to meet this passionate and full of zeal for our Lord donor to our Movie.
10/03/20 at 9:00am
Los Angeles
Storyboard for St Tarcisius Scene
This specific board is based to the true story of our first young Catholic Eucharistic Martyr
Great Interview with hosts Adam and David from The Catholic Talk Show!
"The incident at Lanciano is far from a one-time occurrence. Blessed Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who was beatified in October, created a website documenting a long list of such phenomena around the globe and dating from the early centuries of Christianity to as recent as seven years ago” - Adam & David, The Catholic Talk Show - https://youtu.be/FSJdcXbnlJ4
Muy Bueno! Check out this Interview with Spanish EWTN, with Director Angelo Libutti
"The film’s director, Angelo Libutti, said the goal is a film with universal appeal that is capable of reaching a diverse audience that includes poorly catechized and “lukewarm” Catholics, non-Catholic Christians who do not accept Catholic teaching about the Eucharist, and those who place their trust in science but remain skeptical about spiritual matters” - Poul Smith, Spanish EWTN - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_obHdmZtP_4
Great article on the film from The Southern Cross, the official news site of the Diocese of San Diego!
"In most cases, this must be accepted on faith because the Eucharist continues to look and taste like bread and wine. But, on numerous occasions throughout history, the truth of this teaching has been demonstrated in extraordinary ways” - Denis Grasska, The Southern Cross - https://www.thesoutherncross.org/entertainment/eucharistic-miracles-to-be-subject-of-new-film/?fbclid=IwAR03dkpmabyp1CAIfgHozDoNSJvB5VURyIc0MRpjZOq-F6Wzx9Z9SFw77kE
Exciting article from Church Militant on some of out current accomplishments! Praise God!
"CATHOLIC FILMMAKERS INCHING CLOSER TO FUNDING GOAL ”- "The film's director, Angelo Libutti, is appealing to the faithful to help in producing what promises to be a first-class, Hollywood-style documentary about eucharistic miracles." -Martina Moyski Church Militant , https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/eucharistic-miracles-in-theaters-june-3rd-2021
Inspirational interview with Fr. Mark Goring on Eucharistic Miracles movie!
"Jesus is the bread of life come down from heaven, the lamb of God, we need to eat his flesh and drink his blood so we can live forever." -Fr. Mark Goring
Fr. Mark Goring - https://youtu.be/RXuI2N-4Oxo
Riveting interview on the Catholic Man Show!
"This is the beautiful thing about Eucharistic miracles. It's not just about just about reaffirming the faith of the believer, but also for those who are the unbelievers."
The Catholic Man Show - https://youtu.be/dTjKXPpMDzI
We're so grateful for Our Lady of Guadalupe for the blessing of Guadalupe Radio with Ray Grijalba!
"When the host was transformed into a tissue substance, that it was the tissue of the inside of the heart, always very consistent from miracle to miracle."- Joe McClane
Radio Guadalupe - Interview with RAY: https://youtu.be/iM87TopRfz8
Awesome Interview on the Roman Circus Podcast! Check it out!
-Roman Circus Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-roman-circus-podcast/id1328160960
We're so grateful for Our Lady of Guadalupe for the blessing of Guadalupe Radio with Angelo Libutti!
"It's going to be a powerful witness to the holy Eucharist, the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus!"- Joe McClane
Radio Guadalupe - Interview with ANGELO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jirUt0bRhg